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Online workshops

Announcement texts (among others)

LEADER: Roberta Busechian

Colorful city of Berlin

Berlin is a colorful city, but Berlin is also like a family. Berlin has been the place where electronic music has developed since the 1970s. For this, artists worldwide came here to develop a city that not only sounds inside the clubs, but also outside; on the streets, in the parks, in the subway stations. In this AG we will explore how Berlin has changed acoustically and tell it through electronic sound. In the workshop we will compose and document electronic music ourselves - and publish it online.

Acoustic climate change

How does climate change affect our acoustic environment? How does the nature around us change due to the rising temperatures in our city? In the workshop, we will present sound activists and the acoustic climate change together in a performative and acoustically interactive action.
A live stream sound performance is presented through real-time data and a performative action in real time.

Sounds and the wonderful world of unusual sounds

In the sound art workshop you will discover the mostly unusual and sometimes absurd sounds of the world. How? We will use different microphones and materials to create sounds and sounds that we record and listen to. We will build our sound archive, in which we store all recorded sounds and put them online as an archive of unusual noises.


Think of someone you would like to meet: a person from the past or from the future. The sound workshop gives you the opportunity to build your own time machine.
How shall we do it?
We will first use sound recordings to explore time and understand how time changes through listening. After that, we will represent environments and places by sound that lie in the future or the past. You will learn the technique of sound design using the PC programs.
Ah yes, of course you can also record your voice and get to know it as a tool!
Are you ready for your trip to meet ?????

Painting with sound

Would you like to paint through sounds and noises? Then prepare yourself for the sound art workshop !!!!
How can you hear the nuances of the landscape? Sound art is the art that allows the world to be explored and presented acoustically through sounds and sounds. Everything we hear can be composed as color on canvas. In this workshop we will collect noises and sounds, process them electronically and use them to create acoustic landscapes. We will first translate famous landscape paintings into sound and then present them in a virtual sound painting museum.



1 day 3 hours



Tools used for teaching:


Face to face lessons:


Real time audio:


Podcast and radio:


Documentation and materials


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